
New Year’s Resolutions 2021

Whether you love or hate New Year’s Resolutions, it is finally that time of year. For as long as I can remember I’ve always made at least 5 Resolutions each year, but I can’t tell you whether I managed to keep them or not. On January 22nd, it is the one year anniversary of opening this business and I think that is definitely one of my favourite accomplishments that have came out of 2020. Other than that and a few personal things, not much else happened during the year, and I won’t be sad to see the end of it as I’m sure many of you understand.

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National Pet First Aid Awareness Month

As some of you may know, April is National Pet First Aid Month, and here at the Wirral Woof Pack, we are proud to say that all of our staff are qualified in Pet First Aid and CPR. To raise awareness, in this blog post I am going to talk about Pet First Aid Boxes and what you should have in yours as well as the importance of knowing basic Pet First Aid.

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Blog, WWP Business Updates

WWP Update – March 2020

Before the Coronavirus outbreak, I had decided I was going to start blogging on our website to share relevant information about our company as well as pet-related articles for all you pet lovers. Sadly, due to COVID-19, The Wirral Woof Pack has decided to temporarily suspend all walks and pet sitting, as we do not wish to put anyone at risk during these uncertain times.

Continue reading “WWP Update – March 2020”